Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Does God Exist?

There are those that are opposed to the possible existence of a God that created the universe by first establishing rules that all things that exist actually must and do obey. These folk are missing a fundamental proof of this concept. Simply put... there are laws for everything and man has and is continuing to discover them. Where did these Laws of physics and nature come from?

Please make note of the fact that literally speaking there is a cause and effect for everything that occurs in the universe and this cannot be rationally denied! By their very existence laws that govern the behavior of all things that exist strongly suggests that a rational and calculating underlying all encompassing master intelligence is at work sculpting the universe to it's will.

Why is the known universe more or less existing in an orderly manner governed by so called 'laws' that have mysteriously come into existence from nowhere instead of being in utter non cohesive chaos?

Simple explanation = there is a God that is in control of all things that exist.

Much more difficult explanation = everything just happened for no apparent reason and began from absolute nothingness; which by the way, is the ultimate definition of a singularity. (big bang theory)

So man is left with two basic and fundamental choices.

  1. There is a God that created the universe and established its order and laws of governance and is actively involved in the created universe

  1. Everything that exists came from nothing for absolutely and logically no reason whatsoever and evolved by a set of previously non existent laws that have somehow magically and mysteriously come into existence to cause the relatively stable and orderly universe we have today to exist as it appears today.

Which of these two possible explanations for the way things are seems to make the most sense and be the most rational explanation? I choose the simple and most direct answer. God is and so I am God's creation as with all else that exists. Any other possible answer simply lacks any truly logical progression of thought. To assume that option 2 is the more plausible answer is to be faced with the age old question: Which came first the chicken or the egg?
So how do you answer this question?



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